Our projects



Our research focus is investigation participation patterns and factors influencing them across various populations with mental health conditions.

The current projects address:

1.      Population with the PTSD and trauma exposure;

2.     Consumers of public mental health clinics;

3.     Ecological sustained attention as enabler for the participation.



Our lab projects include investigation and cultural adaptation of the following tools:



  • Profiles of Occupational Engagement of People with Serious Mental Illness (POES) (Bejerholm & Ukland, 2006), Hebrew version Official translation


  • Kohlman Evaluation of Living Skills (KELS)- 4th Edition (Kohlman-Tompson et al, 2016), Hebrew version  Official website


  • UCSD Performance-Based Skills Assessment (Harvey et al., 2007),Hebrew version Official website 



  • ASAP​​​​​​​- Adults Subjective Assessment of Participation (Jarus, et al., 2005), Computerized version Excle


  • Occupational Connections (Lipskaya-Velikovsky et al., 2020) Read more




In addition, we use the following technologies for investigation and promotion of participation in meaningful daily life occupations: EEG markers, such as  Brain Engagement Index, eye-tracking, and VR.